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Monday, March 26, 2012

James Cameron becomes the first single person to dive to the oceans deepest spot the Mariana Trench. In his custom sub Cameron has delved deep with 3D cameras to bring footage back. Cameron took the time to send out a tweet from the Trench as well

It's interesting to see how people's personal dreams can lead them to do amazing things. James Cameron is make great strides in both science as well as cinema with this deep sea dive. I'm sure the footage brought back will be very interesting. 

Read an article on it here.

The Hunger Games movie brings in more than $155 million on the first night. This is the third highest record, coming in behind The Dark Knight and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. 

With all the hype surrounding this movie I can't say i'm surprised, Seemingly out of nowhere everyone was talking about this movie packing the theaters opening night. Defiantly something to check out if you haven't already. 

Read more here.
A Texan family plans to sure their school district for banning their daughter with cerebral palsy from using her walker at school. The girl has apparently used to the walker for two years but after a fall with her mother in the parking lot the school no longer feels it is safe. The school wants the girl to switch to a wheel chair while on school property. The mother is outraged claiming the school is being discriminatory and has been unhelpful and has not been understanding of their situation sense day one.

This seems fairly silly and I wonder if their is almost more to the story, for example we don't know how badly if at all the girl was hurt and if there are any other factors in play here. From the information in this article it appears as if the school is simply being unreasonable.

Read the article here.
Attention world, you are no longer allowed to have best friends! Well not really but several school seem to think so. In this article several school have banned children picking a single friend as their "best friend" feeling this does not promote a sense of unity and exposes children to potential social fall outs when they inevitably lose that friend in some way.

This is ridiculous, I can't imagine a sillier or harder to enforce rule. How can schools even think this would work. Sure friendships fall apart and friends grow apart, this is just part of life. What's next are they gonna start a petition to ban marriage? that's an exclusive kind of friendship too.

Read more here.
According to this article popcorn is super healthy for you. While this might not actually be the major shocker the original author thought it was I still feel it is worth blogging about! (it's also a slow news day :P) Apparently Popcorn is so healthy because it is one of the few sources of non-processed corn we eat. 

Popcorn is a great snack and it's healthy too. Now we can all not feel quite as bad when we drop $12 on the extra large at the movie theater (until we coat it in synthetic butter that is).

Read about it here.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

With the close of NASA's projects to sent their own space craft into space american astronauts have had to rely on piggybacking with Russia to get our men and women into space. As a result the US has channeled money into many private companies who are hoping to develop their own ways to get to space. They promise space tourism even peaking the interest of individuals such as Ashton Kutcher.

Space tourism has been talked about for years and seems to be a steadily approaching reality. Personally i think it will be great. A fantastic new market for the United States that could provide benefits for science as private companies strive to send humans farther and farther into pace.

Read about it here.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Everyone's favorite app has literally rocketed all the way to space.  Angry Birds Space brings many new features to the beloved franchise including new birds, super powers and countless different ways to play with the gravity of space.

While not a big fan off the game itself or way it has (in the eyes and upturned nose of  'true' gamers) introduced the general public to lesser form of video game. I can truly they've done some impressive things. Going so far as to partner with NASA they have even influenced a children's book to teach about the universe. The games use of a real-world-style physics engine is quite impressive and with the addition of space physics it should introduce some refreshing and quality gameplay.

Read about it here.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Even today billions of people world wide do not have access to quality toilet systems. To fix this Bill Gates awarded eight grants to groups from different countries with hopes of revolutionizing the modern toilet. One of the goals would be to make the new toilets run for less than five cents a day.

I think this is great. It's sad that in today's society so many people go without the things we take for granted everyday. quality sanitation is a massive step towards bringing our world into the next technological era I feel. Think of how many ideas that could lead to technological advances never see the light of day because the people who thought of them live in a part of the world where it's impossible for them to share their ideas?

Read an article here.
 Fox News reportedly edited out booing and replaced it with applause on an episode of Stossel. Apparently on the show conservative John Bolton dodged a question posed to him. The crowd apparently booed but this was replaced in editing with applause.

This is fairly disgraceful I feel. The goal of a news network is to report the truth. While I know Fox News is an opinion based news network and that's fine. They still, I feel, should not shape public opinion in such a way.
The video here.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Can video games help stimulate your mind and provide higher test scores? According to this article they can. Video games encourage the brain to think in abstract ways and on different levels. Results show these types of games could have benefits for the elderly as well.

Well I can't say I'm surprised. Video games are fantastic for stimulating the mind. Repetition isn't a bad thing. It encourages the brain to get faster and act more skillfully at the task at hand. This talent has many possible applications in daily life.

Read the article here.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Well if you were a fan of Harry Potter and are disappointed it's over, you may be in luck. It was recently announced that J.K. Rowling plans on writing a follow up series with her new publisher. The series is reportedly aimed at adults rather than the generally younger audience of Harry Potter.

Personally I think it could be great. I would like to see a cast of new characters or maybe lesser characters take the main stage however. Little bothers me more than when a writer won't let their hero have a break. When their lives are repeatedly thrust into terrible situations long after their original story is done. The way I see it, Harry's story is done, time for someone new. I think the world of Harry Potter is great and that a lot of amazing things can be done within it, I just would hate to see it fall into the same trap as say the Land Before Time Dinosaurs (you know those kids movies they made about twenty-seven of?) or Happy Days when Fonzie so famously "jumped the shark".

Watch a video about the new series here.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Linsanity" is what some people are calling it. Jeremy Lin, starter for the New York Knicks is the first Harvard Graduate to play in the NBA. He is also the first Chinese member of the league. A relative nobody a short time ago, Lin has had an amazing representation on the court as of late and is on the fast track to being a major star. Apparently Lin has recently registered for the trademark "Linsanity". Next thing we know children everywhere may be sporting "Linsainity" goods.

I personally think it's great to see a relative nobody come out of nowhere and take the NBA by storm. I not only look forward to seeing what he can possibly do for the Knicks, but also what changes he can possibly bring to the game.

Read the article here.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just in time to be days late for Valentines Day here is a story for the romantics out there! For the drop-in-the-bucket price of $10,010 (yes 10,010) everyone's favorite pizza chain Pizza Hut will deliver to you their engagement package! Containing one medium pizza, five bread sticks, 10 cinnamon sticks, one large ruby engagement ring, a fireworks show as well as video and photographic documentation of the event.

To the person who would buy this I have one thing to say: don't. I can't imagine a less romantic thing, pizza from Pizza Hut and an (if i do say so myself) incredibly ugly ring. I don't know who's idea this was but i can't imagine it could possibly make Pizza Hut any money, who would buy it?

Read the article here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Well I can't say I've ever heard of two animals being 'married', much less a deer and a sheep. Despite the unquestionable weirdness in this relationship it was good for a smile. I was shocked to find out about the ram's questionable moral activities but apparently their relationship is still strong. I wish them the best in what is sure to be a Chinese romance for the ages.

Read the article here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This article relates to a group of protesters at a Rick Santorum campaign. Now however you feel about Santorum doesn't really matter for what i want to discuss here. My question is When do protesters cross the line? Throughout the ordeal the protesters remained non-violent (unless throwing glitter on Santorum is considered violent), but does this really matter? Can protesters go to far even when they don't employ violence? I don't think there is any clear answer to this question.

Read the article here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How would you feel if you were told that anyone with a working knowledge of the internet could watch you in your home? Well this was the reality for thousands. Turns out if you bought home security from a company by the name of "Trendnet" the live feed from security cameras they installed in your home may be watchable online! All it takes is knowing how to secure someones IP address.

I personally find this horrifying (and admittedly hilarious). I can't believe a company would miss such an incredible flaw in their product. No matter how funny and shockingly entertaining it can be to spy in to someones personal life it is just that, their Personal life. I would encourage anyone thinking of exploiting this flaw to think twice.

Read the Article Here.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

 For my first post i thought i would cover an important issue in the world to day. just to clarify I may cover more stories similar to this one, but i will also likely cover stories on a variety of subjects.

 This article talks of the growing threat of a Nuclear strike capable Iran. The Iranian Government claims that its scientists are well on their way to porducing Iran's first Nuclear warhead. Recently a report was brought before congress warning them of the possibilty of Iranian Terrorist strikes against US soil. In response to the growing hostilities Israel has threatened strikes against Iran to target suspected sites of nuclear activity. The UN is working to prevent such measures saying that a UN nuclear team will revisit Iran to investigate. New trade Sanctions have also risen between Europe and Iran to hopfully convincce them to give up their pursuit of a Nuclear Arsenal.

The possibility of a new war in the Middle East seems much more than just a possibility after reading an article like this. It is somewhat scary to be perfectly honest. The idea of another possibly hostile country capable of a nuclear strike I think should scare people. It is also important to remember that nothing has happened yet and that we should put our faith in the powers at be, and for the time at least, trust that they will take care of the situation.

Here is the article.