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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Well if you were a fan of Harry Potter and are disappointed it's over, you may be in luck. It was recently announced that J.K. Rowling plans on writing a follow up series with her new publisher. The series is reportedly aimed at adults rather than the generally younger audience of Harry Potter.

Personally I think it could be great. I would like to see a cast of new characters or maybe lesser characters take the main stage however. Little bothers me more than when a writer won't let their hero have a break. When their lives are repeatedly thrust into terrible situations long after their original story is done. The way I see it, Harry's story is done, time for someone new. I think the world of Harry Potter is great and that a lot of amazing things can be done within it, I just would hate to see it fall into the same trap as say the Land Before Time Dinosaurs (you know those kids movies they made about twenty-seven of?) or Happy Days when Fonzie so famously "jumped the shark".

Watch a video about the new series here.

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